Thursday, 1 October 2020

9.10 amPrinciples for designing and organising a course curriculum
Workshop by Professor Denise Chalmers
Emeritus Professor,
The University of Western Australia
National Senior Teaching Fellow

There are several principles that inform the ways in which a course curriculum is designed. This workshop will take you through those principles and ask you to consider how they are relevant in your curriculum design.

11.00 amDesigning Interdisciplinary Assessment
Workshop by Associate Professor Shen Ji
Department of Teaching and Learning,
School of Education & Human Development,
University of Miami

While assessment may drive educational innovation, it also imposes a significant challenge to interdisciplinary learning: Few approaches and little empirical work existed on (quantitatively) assessing students’ interdisciplinary understanding, especially at the college level. In this workshop, a guiding framework and various tools will be provided to help with the development of interdisciplinary assessments. Participants will have an opportunity to work in small teams to develop tangible items related to their disciplinary backgrounds and shared learning objectives.

12.30 pmThe Aims, Principles, and Practices of Community-Engaged Learning in Universities 
Workshop by Professor Alison Taylor
Department of Educational Studies,
Faculty of Education,
University of British Columbia 

This workshop invites participants to think about the reasons for and possibilities of community-engaged learning(CEL)as part of university courses, while acknowledging the challenges posed by Covid-19.

The kind of questions to be discussed include:
  1. Why is community-engaged learning(CEL) an important part of experiential learning?
  2. What experienceshave you had with CEL? What would you like to try?
  3. How would you describe the learning aims you have for CEL and what kind of community partnerships can help you pursue these aims?
  4. How do we need to think about CEL differently during Covid-19?

Please contact for enquiries. 

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