Organising Committee

Professor Paulo Bartolo
Conference Chair
Nanyang Technological University

Associate Professor Seung Ki Moon
Conference Co-Chair 
Nanyang Technological University

Dr Jia An
Nanyang Technological University

Ms Adeline Tan
Nanyang Technological University

Mr Chee Wai Shum
Nanyang Technological University

Ms Cyberia Lim
Nanyang Technological University

Ms Jessie Tee
Nanyang Technological University

Scientific Committee

Professor Ahn Sung-Hoon
Seoul National University, South Korea

Professor Ajay Malshe
Purdue University, USA

Professor Alain Bernard
Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France

Professor Allan Rennie
EPSRC Design for Additive Manufacturing Network, Lancaster University, UK

Professor Amaresh Chakrabarti
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India

Professor Anath Fischer
Technion, Israel

Dr Andres Harris
Foster + Partners, UK

Professor Anton Du Plessis
Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Professor Bahattin Koc
Sabanci University, Turkey

Dr Bernhard Mueller
Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, IWU, Germany

Dr Chaw Sing Ho
NAMIC, Singapore 

Professor David Rosen
Georgia Tech, USA 

Professor Deon de Beer
Central University of Technology, South Africa

Professor Dieter Krause
Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

Professor Dong-Gyu Ahn
Chosun University, South Korea

Professor Eric Lutters,
University of Twente, The Netherlands

Professor Giovanni Moroni,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy 

Dr Glen Cooper, 
The University of Machester, UK

Professor Ian Gibson,
University of Twente, The Netherlands

Professor Jennifer Loy, 
Griffith University, Australia 

Professor Joaquim Minguella Canela, 
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

Professor John Hart,  
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 

Professor Katsuyoshi Kondoh, 
Osaka University, Japan 

Professor Ludwig Cardon, 
Ghent University, Belgium

Professor Olaf Diegel, 
The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr Phillippe Morel, 
University College London, UK

Professor Richard Bibb, 
Loughborough University, UK

Professor Rossi Setchi, 
Cardiff University, UK

Professor Sharon Baurley, 
Royal College of Art, UK 

Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, 
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Dr Tae Ho Ha, 
Korean Institute of Machinery and Materials, South Korea  

Professor Yoon Yongjin, 
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea